Visiting Instructor, Pratt Institute, Graduate Art Therapy Department - Brooklyn, NY
Graduate Student Internship Supervisor, On & Off-site: Brooklyn, NY & Woodbridge, VA
BlueMonarch Creative, LLC - An Art Therapy, Stress Management, and Employee Wellness Company
Founder and Owner
Private Practice / Individual Art Therapy Supervisor - NY & Northern Virginia;
Licensed Creative Art Therapist (NY)
LCAT / Psychiatric Rehabilitation Therapy, Dept. of Psychiatry, Interfaith Medical Center - Brooklyn, NY
American Art Therapy Association - Featured Member; May - 2018
Interfaith Medical Center - Employee of the Month; April - 2015
Prince William County Public Schools- Yorkshire Elementary — Manassas, VA
“Therapeutic Awareness / Art Experiential Workshop” - Staff Meeting
“Intro to Therapeutic Art-Based Strategies and Techniques” - Mental Health Team
Presenter and Workshop Facilitator
PRCS - Staff Development Days — South Riding, VA
“Meditative Labyrinths: A Creative Journey Towards Discovery” and “Mindfulness through Creativity: Enjoying the Process Inside & Out” - Presenter/Workshop Facilitator
Fairfax County - Creative Aging Festival - Sully Senior Center — Chantilly, VA
“Artistic Expressions” - Community Group Facilitator
Manassas Park Parks and Recreation / Manassas Park Middle School — Manassas Park, VA
Leaders in Training - Guest Speaker / Workshop Facilitator
Community Workshop - Chinn Park Regional Library — Woodbridge, VA
“A Return to Center: A Creative Workshop for Mothers & Women Who Nurture”
Community Lecture - School of Visual Arts — New York, NY
“Psychic and Physical Clutter: Exploring How to Create Order Inside & Out”
Lecture Presenter
Kid's Art Studio at Windy Knoll Farm - Center for the Arts — Nokesville, VA
Magical Rain Sticks (Spring) - Class Instructor
HomeInstead Senior Care Company - Manassas, VA
Untying Our Knots - Tips to Create Inner Peace with Meditation & Art - Continuing Education Unit Presentation - Presenter
Water & Stone, Creative Arts Therapy Conference — New York, NY
Making Peace: Healing from the Outside —In; Workshop Facilitator
The ‘In-Between’ Places: Standing at the Threshold; Worksop Co-Facilitator
One Love Manassas: Celebration of Life with the Arts - Manassas, VA
Doodle Your Way Through: Healing with Art - Workshop Facilitator
Center for the Arts - Manassas, VA
Return to Inner Peace - A Creative Arts Workshop for Mothers & Women Who Nurture
Workshop Facilitator
Parkinson's Foundation: Center of Excellence Leadership Conference - Jersey City, NJ
Coordinator's Meeting: Painting with a Twist - Session Facilitator
Kid's Art Studio at Windy Knoll Farm - Center for the Arts - Nokesville, VA
Art Labyrinths - Workshop Instructor
Water & Stone, Creative Arts Therapy Workshop - Brooklyn, NY
Psychic and Physical Clutter: Useful Techniques to Create Order Inside & Out - Workshop Facilitator
HomeInstead Senior Care Company - Manassas, VA
Self-Care for the Mindful CAREGiver - Continuing Education Unit Presentation - Presenter
Water & Stone, Creative Arts Therapy Conference - New York, NY
The Return to Self: An Exploration of Ideals and Identity through Imagery - Workshop Facilitator
Recreating RItual: Viewing the Addiction/Recovery Process through a CAT Lens - Workshop Co-Facilitator
The Liberated to Love Project - Tarrytown, NY
"Liberated to Love: An Evaluation of African American Female Survivors of Sexual Abuse through the Arts"
Art Therapy Workshop Facilitator
Interfaith Medical Center, Psychiatry Grand Rounds Presentations - Brooklyn, NY
Partial Hospitalization: Reintegration of the Mentally Ill - Co-Presenter
Interfaith Medical Center, Psychiatry Grand Rounds Presentations - Brooklyn, NY
Creative Arts Therapy: History, Theory, and Current Practices - Co-Presenter
International Conference on Phototherapy and Therapeutic Photography - Turku, Finland
Phototherapy: The use of PhotoShop & Digital Media in an Urban Hospital Setting - Co-Presenter
42nd Annual American Dance Therapy Conference - Brooklyn, NY
Building Bridges among Creative Arts Therapists through Quality Assurance Projects - Workshop Co-Facilitator
Interfaith Medical Center, Department Head Meeting - Brooklyn, NY
Quality Assurance as a Tool for Clinical Work and Team Building - Co-Presenter